September 2024 Newsletter: Fall Into Routine
Thank you to Dr. Mallory Goodrich for contributing this month!
Goodbye Summer!
Feeling like you’re ready to get back into a routine as the summer is ending and Fall is around the corner? Feel like you have been pushing off exercising or a nagging injury over the summer? September is the perfect time to reset.
The beginning of September brings a lot of changes – the weather is cooling off, summer vacations are done, and kids go back to school. Your schedule changes are a perfect time to implement exercise consistently into your schedule or finally get that shoulder (or knee/hip/back) looked at.
Here at Dirigo PTP, we are here to help. We are constantly talking to patients about the importance of finding a consistent schedule for exercise and maintenance work for their body. Consistency creates lasting changes.
Ready to make those changes? Let’s book your physical therapy evaluation today to get you back on track!