Concussion Management
A concussion is a traumatic brain injury that can cause physical, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms. Physical therapy can help to manage these symptoms and promote recovery.
The specific physical therapy interventions that are used for concussion will vary depending on the individual's symptoms and needs. However, some common interventions include:
Exercise therapy: This can help to improve balance, coordination, and strength.
Manual therapy: This can help to reduce pain and improve range of motion.
Vision therapy: This can help to improve visual processing and hand-eye coordination.
Vestibular therapy: This can help to improve balance and spatial awareness.
When recovering from a concussion it is important to establish a comprehensive baseline of symptoms so that the recovery process can be monitored and progressed appropriately.
Our assessment includes a battery of tests selected by your clinician geared to assess many different aspects of concussion recovery, based on your presentation. These may include:
Detailed history of the impact
Strength, range of motion, and balance testing
Eye tracking and reaction time (DynaVision)
Cranial Nerve Screen
Vestibular testing
No two concussions are the same. Your treatment plan will be customized to your findings and your recovery will be closely monitored to ensure a safe progression throughout your treatment.
Reassessments will take place periodically to gauge progress and help guide any return to sport decisions.
Reach out for more information or to schedule your assessment.