Rehab Performance Equipment
Utilizing state of the art performance technology in order to target movement deficiencies, evaluate for progress in rehabilitation, and reduce injury risk in patients returning to sport.
Our Technology
Our Technology
In our clinic, we are equipped with Hawkin Dynamics force plates that allow us to assess a variety of movement patterns including squat mechanics, force production, and landing mechanics. Our physical therapists integrate force plate analysis in their practice in order to better evaluate for movement deficiencies, measure effectiveness of rehabilitation, optimize performance, and assist in decision making for return to sport post-operatively.
Blood flow restriction training (BFRT) is the application of a blood flow occlusion device combined with exercise to elicit greater muscle activation. We often utilize BFRT for patients following surgery or with chronic tendinopathies/pain that limit how much exercise can be done. It creates an high-intensity environment that mimics exercise with heavy load in order to get similar strength gains.
Strength testing is performed during an initial evaluation to establish a baseline and to monitor progress throughout the rehabilitation process. Measuring strength accurately is essential for injury evaluation, performance assessments, and for return-to-play criteria.
We use a handheld dynamometer to evaluate strength and is considered a “gold-standard” for objectively measuring strength in a rehabilitation and research setting.
Our clinic hosts an Exxentric KBox that provides resistance through a flywheel which can increase the effectiveness of strength training through variable resistance. In addition to the traditionally lifting weights against gravity, the KBox focuses on eccentric overload for greater strength gains in the rehabilitation setting.
NormaTec Recovery boots are compression boots that utilize dynamic compression to promote movements of fluid and metabolites out of the limbs after intense exercise. The goal of using NormaTec boots is to improve circulation, assist with lymphatic drainage, and decrease soreness associated with exercise.
The Dynavision D2 is a cognitive training device that uses 64 3D targets to train a broad range of skills, including peripheral perception and awareness, reaction time, hand-eye coordination, balance, cognitive processing ability, and neuro-cognitive abilities.